The Story of The Olive Branch

Originally from Syria, Abdul and Fatema wanted to share the delicious cuisine of their homeland with new neighbours in Wivenhoe, Essex. Their vegan, fresh food and warm welcome quickly created a buzz in the village…

Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award 2020

Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award 2020

Tripadvisor Travellers Choice Award 2020 We are really pleased to announce the olive branch has won the Traveller's Choice Award 2020 as one of the top 10% worldwide!!! This is incredible news in such a hugely difficult time! What an honour! May I take this...

Essex FADA Best New Comer Award Finalist

Essex FADA Best New Comer Award Finalist

Woohoo! We have exciting news! The limit is not in the sky, the limit is in the mind! A few years ago this was beyond our imagination, today with hard work, commitment and incredible support from our friends, staff and customers, we are very pleased to announce that...

The Olive Branch Turns One!

The Olive Branch Turns One!

The Olive Branch 1st Birthday Can you believe it? The Olive Branch is turning 1. Personally we can't believe a year has passed, in some ways it feels like yesterday we opened this little cafe for our launch night expected very few people to turn up only to be quickly...